What is the pencil icon ?
The pencil icon is a new add on for themes in WordPress. In simpler terms it’s that pencil icon you see in the TwentySevenTeen Theme. It is a nifty way to give users information on which section they are customizing. It also only refreshes that particular section.
Here’s a small tutorial on how to add your very own.
/* Customizer fields */ function your_customizer_settings($wp_customize) { $wp_customize->add_section('footer_section', array( 'title' => __('Footer Section', 'healthtech'), 'panel' =>'', )); /* * Settings for copyright text */ $wp_customize->add_section('footer_section', array( 'title' =>__('Footer Section', 'healthtech'), 'panel' =>'', )); /* * Settings for copyright text */ $wp_customize->add_setting('copyright_text', array( 'default' => '2342', 'transport' => 'postMessage' )); $wp_customize->add_control(new WP_Customize_Control($wp_customize, 'copyright_text', array( 'label' => __('Copyright Text', 'healthtech'), 'section' => 'footer_section', 'settings' => 'copyright_text', ) ) ); $wp_customize->selective_refresh->add_partial('copyright_text', array( 'selector' => 'span#copy-write', // You can also select a css class 'render_callback' => 'check_copy_right_text', )); } // Customizer action add_action('customize_register', 'your_customizer_settings'); function check_copy_right_text(){ echo get_theme_mod('copyright_text'); }
and put this in the front-end since its a copyright text lets assume footer.php
<span id="copy-write"><?php check_copy_right_text(); ?></span>
if you go to the customizer you should see the Edit Shortcut Button like this:
if not you will have to add a bit of CSS to position better the button. You can add that CSS to style.css or create a CSS file only for correcting the buttons if you have more buttons that need CSS. Remember to use add_action( 'customize_preview_init', 'my_function_with_wp_enqueue_with_my_css_only_for_the_customizer' );
I added an extra value in the setting:
$wp_customize->;add_setting('copyright_text', array( 'default' => '2342', 'transport' => 'postMessage' //this one ));
If you don’t set transport to postMessage the entire preview will reload since it will default to refresh, this way only that placement (that is what is called the part of a selective refresh) will update.
Great post! Really help full.
Glad to know you found it helpful 🙂