What is the pencil icon ?

The pencil icon  is a new add on for themes in WordPress. In simpler terms it’s that pencil icon you see in the TwentySevenTeen Theme. It is a nifty way to give users information on which section they are customizing. It also only refreshes that particular section.

Here’s a small tutorial on how to add your very own.

/* Customizer fields */

function your_customizer_settings($wp_customize) {
    $wp_customize->add_section('footer_section', array(
        'title' => __('Footer Section', 'healthtech'),
        'panel' =>'',
     * Settings for copyright text
    $wp_customize->add_section('footer_section', array(
        'title' =>__('Footer Section', 'healthtech'),
        'panel' =>'',
     * Settings for copyright text
    $wp_customize->add_setting('copyright_text', array(
        'default' => '2342',
        'transport' => 'postMessage'
    $wp_customize->add_control(new WP_Customize_Control($wp_customize, 'copyright_text', array(
        'label' => __('Copyright Text', 'healthtech'),
        'section' => 'footer_section',
        'settings' => 'copyright_text',
    $wp_customize->selective_refresh->add_partial('copyright_text', array(
        'selector' => 'span#copy-write', // You can also select a css class
        'render_callback' => 'check_copy_right_text',
// Customizer action
add_action('customize_register', 'your_customizer_settings');

function check_copy_right_text(){
   echo get_theme_mod('copyright_text');

and put this in the front-end since its a copyright text lets assume footer.php:

<span id="copy-write"><?php check_copy_right_text(); ?></span>

if you go to the customizer you should see the Edit Shortcut Button like this:

Selective Refresh Pencil Icon
if not you will have to add a bit of CSS to position better the button. You can add that CSS to style.css or create a CSS file only for correcting the buttons if you have more buttons that need CSS. Remember to use add_action( 'customize_preview_init', 'my_function_with_wp_enqueue_with_my_css_only_for_the_customizer' );

I added an extra value in the setting:

$wp_customize->;add_setting('copyright_text', array(
        'default' => '2342',
        'transport' => 'postMessage' //this one

If you don’t set transport to postMessage the entire preview will reload since it will default to refresh, this way only that placement (that is what is called the part of a selective refresh) will update.